Building & Remodeling

Seismic retrofitting is a vital process in construction, enhancing existing structures to resist seismic activity, ground motion, or soil failure due to earthquakes. At Hanthel Consulting, we provide expert seismic retrofitting services, ensuring the safety, longevity, and compliance of your buildings

Transform your space with our load-bearing wall removal service. At Hanthel Consulting, our team of experts ensures a safe and efficient process, adhering to all building codes and regulations. With our service, you can create the open, modern layout you’ve always dreamed of.

Are you looking for Formwork Seismic Retrofit? Load Bearing Wall Removals? Foundation Engineering? Soft Story Retrofit?

Foundation Engineering is the cornerstone of any construction project, ensuring the stability and longevity of structures. At Hanthel Consulting, we offer expert Foundation Engineering services, designing and implementing robust solutions that cater to your project’s specific needs. With our service, you can lay a solid foundation for your construction project, ensuring its success and durability

Soft Story Retrofitting is a crucial service for enhancing the resilience of vulnerable buildings in seismic-prone areas. At Hanthel Consulting, we provide expert Soft Story Retrofitting services, implementing comprehensive solutions that increase your building’s structural integrity. With our service, you can ensure your building is prepared to withstand seismic events, ensuring its safety and longevity